In optimal traffic conditions, I can drive from my house in
Brampton to the entrance of the of the Toronto Blue Jays home stadium, The
Rogers Centre ("Skydome", for the hip amongst us,) in 25 minutes.
Add an extra
5 minute walk; I'm at the Air Canada Centre, home of the Raptors and the
venerable Toronto Maple Leafs. My geographical proximity to the aforementioned
sports franchises is shared by millions in the GTA -- probably including you the
reader, yeah you!--, and come to think of it, the Toronto sports stories of my
era which I'll say is about 1995 - present, are all going to sound the same. We have seen the same things, and you can't change the past. However these collective memories, emotions, hopes and dreams, have
come to help forge my identity, and allowed to me to form real bonds within the community.
I have been a HUGE sports guy for my whole life. It was
my internet before the internet. Growing up, there was simply not much to do in
Brampton, but come to think of it, I was also kid, so there probably wasn't
much to do anywhere else. Sports was one of my first real ways to see and understand
the world around me, and I fully immersed myself in that world. Pre internet
era, it was way harder to be a sports fan, but it was much more special too. Newspapers + Sportcenter, that was my s**t (still is!)! Many of my bestest buds were met through a) talking
about sports, b) playing sports, and/or c) playing video games of sports. The
GTA is a region where "embracing diverse backgrounds" is one of the
biggest factors of our collective regional identity. Having major league home
teams in most of the big leagues of North America has no doubt had a positive
impact on uniting people from different backgrounds all over the GTA. I could connect, and bond, with anyone and everyone if we shared a mutual passion for sports. Sports fanatics are able to transcend the barriers of age, class, and religion to engage peacefully, only to create vitriolic new barriers in likes to " HA-HA we beat you!" or "f**k your city! (aka we probably lost"). It's a hilarious cycle and unfortunately Toronto is usually on only one side of that dichotomy's true.
Despite our incompetence. The big 3 sports teams made me personally feel like our region was
relevant in a bigger picture. When we talk about Basketball (NBA) and
Baseball (MLB), ones gotta remember our Toronto franchises are the
representatives for the entire country! It didn't start like that (RIP
Grizzlies and Expos), but in the survival of the fittest that is the world of
professional sports, Toronto is and has been the fittest city in Canada.
However, Toronto has also had notoriously bad sports luck. There
has not been a major Championship in this city since 1993. Only Cleveland Ohio
possesses a championship drought more severe than us...and they got Lebron James back and
Johnny Football! Toronto needs to step it up, or else we will soon be the straddled with the stigma of being perennial losers.
This series of articles will look at The Baseball, Basketball and Hockey franchises of Toronto, and the Impact they have had on my life. First we'll look at the last real champions Toronto has had, the Blue Jays.